Dear holidaying teacher….

Week 2, Day 1….

My diary entry….

Dear teacher,

I had a wise plan today. As he who helped create them is studying from home I decided to recreate last weeks swimming nightmare by giving it another crack.  However I totally pulled one over on the lifeguard by leaving BB at home in bed and only taking the twins…

We arrived ten minutes before the swimming session began.  Good planning on my part as I wanted to ensure we got maximum return on my ten pound investment. I am northern and I don’t like to pay over the odds.

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Demented darling….

Twin boys energy never ceases to amaze, from the moment he wakes (around 6.30am) till he goes to sleep (around 7pm) he talks. 

And he talks, and he talks, and he talks… 

In short he never bloody shuts up.

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I let my family down: One Mum’s heartbreaking story…

I was full of nervous apprehension this morning.  I tried to hide it so the children wouldn’t pick up on the butterflies that were zorbing through my stomach.

I had everything ready the night before, tuna pasta had been made for the kids breakfast, their kit was clean, and their shoes were gleaming.

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Parenting: Every Parents Nightmare…..

Some ruffian has laid their lips on my daughter.

Some cheeky little so and so has had the nerve to declare himself my daughters first boyfriend and sealed the deal with a puckered up kiss which apparently she willingly accepted.

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