It hurts my heart…

To my intense surprise out on our weekly supermarket trip this week my three little leg hangers all behaved impeccably.  So much so on the drive home I gushed to them about their behaviour and whilst telling them how great they were and not paying attention to my surroundings twin boy caught me in a vulnerable moment and asked if because they had been good could they have a treat.

  “Of course” I replied, thinking a Freddo or a fudge, maybe even half an hour of Scooby Doo.

“Wicked,” said twin boy, “can we go there.”

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all thanks to a chap named Dave

Twin girl is growing up too quickly, she adds on an inch a day, without heels, and her intelligent outlook on life means she refuses to be fobbed off with fantastical stories unless you ensure you have covered  all the details so it passes the plausibility tes

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BB gets a bed guard

When you have children you give up hope of having a stylish home and instead you are forced to move all ornaments above little head height after a reluctance acceptance …

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education: hard work being a twin

It can be hard work being one of two; especially in the classroom.  sitting on the blue carpet on a friday afternoon waiting week after week to be voted ‘star of …

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my imperfection for all to hear

I have spent the afternoon with a bunch of old gals huffing and puffing as they struggled to remember their breathing and push their newborns out into the world. Its …

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