Bogeys and Giggles

I want to blog but I can’t, in fact I have tried to start several blogs tonight but nothing is flowing. I don’t know what to talk about and as …

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to them upstairs

To my children

You have just gone to sleep and I am not far behind you, in fact I am writing this letter and then I am getting on the bus to snoozeville. I just wanted to share some thoughts with you whilst you slumber on above my head.

Supernanny never had to deal with this

The things Supernanny doesn’t have to deal with

The moment my eyes were forced into action this morning I knew it was going to be ‘one of those days’. As the world outside our brown front door slumbered on with sweet Saturday snores our weekend began with bleach and bathroom battles.

Heaven is just a flush away

Bedtime, that beautiful part of the day when mother and child quietly say goodbye to the daytime, read some soothing bedtime stories and then the child softly drifts off to sleep as mother plants sweet kisses on their eyelids.

Whoa there!

This ones for me

This ones for me. My memory is letting me down, things I thought were far too important for me to ever forget are being lost. So this post is for …

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