Blogging in business class

So why is it that if you get a glass of wine in the pub at 10am you are considered borderline alcoholic but in a business class airport it is …

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Handing in my notice

I am handing in my notice.

I have been doing this job for nearly five years but to be honest it is time for me to hand over the ropes to someone else. The day to day job is ok but the hours are rubbish I always do twelve hour shifts at least and the occasional night shift.

damp with a sore bottom

I spent the vast majority of this weekend damp with a slightly sore bottom. I have looked like Casper the Ghost since Friday, my make up bag has been gathering dust and my ghd’s are stone cold. The children are officially and he who helped create them is looking a bit worn out.

help my blog has been hijacked

My name is Owen; mummy writes about me sometimes, this is my blog debut. I have had to hijack mummy’s blog as I don’t know how to set one up myself – I am only four.

Supermum doesn’t live here anymore

I was awake at 1.30am this morning, now I have a 16 week old baby so I imagine people think that is pretty normal. However what would you think if I told you that I hadn’t even gone to bed at that time, and that I was actually not in my PJ’s until 2am? I know what you are thinking – dirty little stop out! Going to regret that last glass of wine in the morning!