The Revenge of the Baby
I have hinted in recent posts that beautiful baby whilst being completely adorable is also something of a mastermind and she spends the vast majority of her days sitting quietly …
I have hinted in recent posts that beautiful baby whilst being completely adorable is also something of a mastermind and she spends the vast majority of her days sitting quietly …
Me and he who helped create them had a bit of a nice day planned today. We have had a rough couple of weeks and to make up for it we thought we would take baby beautiful out for the day and enjoy the bliss of only having one (rather quiet) child between us.
The things Supernanny doesn’t have to deal with
The moment my eyes were forced into action this morning I knew it was going to be ‘one of those days’. As the world outside our brown front door slumbered on with sweet Saturday snores our weekend began with bleach and bathroom battles.
So I am off on my travels again, centre parcs last week, the states the week before and this week….. wait for it…… are you excited??? I am off to itsamummyslife for …
Twin boy, girl and I have been trying to understand feelings this afternoon.
They seem to have a grasp on it as twin boy likes to express his vocally at any given moment and is prone to Oscar winning performances over the tiniest thing. A refusal of a biscuit before teatime can lead to dramatic swoons followed by Oscar winning hysterics and heartrending pleas.